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Dra. Mónica Imarai

Dpto. Biología. Laboratorio de inmunología de peces

ResearchCellular and molecular mechanisms implicated in salmonid immune response and disease resistance Development of new tools and methods for the study of salmonid immune response Identification of immune cell subtypes and their functional activity Identification of new immunostimulant compounds and development of adjuvants Mechanisms of antiviral immunity.Immune response against Neisseria gonorrhoeae Local immune response Immune evasion mechanisms


Doctora en Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Bioquímica Universidad de Concepción.

Lineas de Investigación: 

Biotecnología Acuícola. Inmunología

  • Rol de la proteína SdhA de Piscirickettsia salmonis durante un proceso infeccioso in vitro. FONDECYT 3180560. (2018-2021) Post-doctoral Advisor.
  • Understanding the crosstalk between differentially activated M1 macrophages and NK cells to improve specific innate immune responses against bacterial or viral pathogens in aquacultured salmonids. FONDECYT 1191763. (2019-2023). Co-investigador
  • Trained immunity and nutritional programming for resilient salmon. Research Council of Norway RCN 294821. (2019-2024) PI: Margareth Overland, Noruega. Investigador: Mónica Imarai, Chile.
  • Instalación de una Unidad de Citometría de Flujo en el Centro de Biotecnología Acuícola de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile FONDEQUIP EQM190130. (2019-2020) Directora
  • Búsqueda e identificación de la correlación entre carga viral de SARS-COV-2, coinfección de patógenos respiratorios, y transcriptoma de fenotipos sintomáticos y asintomáticos para el desarrollo de estrategias complementarias de prevención de la enfermedad. COVID 1038 ANID. (2020-2021) Co-investigador
  • Role of T helper 1 type response in protection and pathology of Piscirikettsia salmonis infection of Atlantic salmon FONDECYT 1201664. (2020-2024). Investigador principal.
  • Understanding the CXCL9-11/CXCR3 chemokine axis in Atlantic salmon. FONDECYT 3210634. (2021-2024). Post-doctoral Advisor
  • Validación de un anticuerpo monoclonal anti-CD8a como marcador de inmunidad celular de salmón del Atlántico. Consorcio Aqua Biotechnology: Centro traslacional de acuicultura. Investigador del Co-ejecutor USACH. CORFO (2023-2028) Investigator principal.
  • Atlantic salmon CD8 T lymphocytes: key cells for viral recognition, cell-mediated cytotoxicity, and protection against Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus FONDECYT 1240741 (2024-2028). Investigador principal.
Últimas Publicaciones: 

35.- Barrera-Avalos C, Díaz X, Madrid B, Michelson SA, Robles-Planells C, Sánchez-Guerrero G, Ahumada V, Mella-Torres A, Rojo LE, Imarai M, Milla LA, Leiva-Salcedo E, Murgas P, Fernández R, Escobar A, Acuña-Castillo C.  (2021). In Vivo Antitumor Effect against Murine Cells of CT26 Colon Cancer and EL4 Lymphoma by Autologous Whole Tumor Dead Cells.  Biomed Res Int. eCollection 2021

34.- Deborah Vargas, Eva Vallejos-Vidal, Sebastián Reyes-Cerpa, Aarón Oyarzún-Arrau, Claudio Acuña-Castillo, Mónica Imarai, Felipe E. Reyes-López, Ana María Sandino.(2021). The analysis of live-attenuated Piscirickettsia salmonis vaccine reveals the short-term upregulation of innate and adaptive immune genes: An in situ open-sea cages study. Microorganisms

33.- Byron Morales-Lange, Ivan Nombela, María Del Mar Ortega-Villaizán, Mónica Imarai, Paulina Schmitt, Luis Mercado. (2021). Induction of foxp3 during the Crosstalk between Antigen Presenting Like-Cells MHCII+CD83+ and Splenocytes CD4+IgM− in Rainbow Trout Biology Basel. 10040324

32.- Luis Mercado, Byron Morales-Lange, Felipe Ramírez, Paulina Schmitt,  Fanny Guzmán,  Leidy Lagos, Margareth Øverland,  Valentina Wong-Benito,  Monica Imarai,  Derie Fuentes,  Sebastián Boltaña,  Javier Alcaíno and Carlos Soto. (2021). Interferon gamma induces the increase of cell-surface markers (CD80/86, CD83 and MHC-II) in splenocytes from Atlantic salmon. Frontiers in Immunology

31.- Almendra Benavides, Daniela Gutiérrez, Nadia Epuyao, Brenda Modak, Mónica Imarai* and Beatriz Valenzuela*.  (2022). Alpinone: A positive regulator molecule of immune antiviral response in Atlantic salmon kidney cells.  Developmental and Comparative Immunology.

30.- Carlos Barrera-Avalos, Roberto Luraschi, Eva Vallejos-Vidal, Maximiliano Figueroa, Esteban Arenillas, Daniela Barría, Felipe Hernández, Carlos Mateluna, Javier Mena, Claudia Rioseco, Claudia Torrent, Claudio Vergara, Gaby Gutiérrez, Javiera Quiroz, Javiera Alarcón, Julio Cartagena, Javiera Cayunao, Andrea Mella, Álvaro Santibañez, Sebastián Tapia, Alejandro Undurraga, Deborah Vargas, Valentina Wong, Ailen Inostroza, Daniel Valdés, Mónica Imarai, Claudio Acuña-Castillo, Felipe E. Reyes-López, Ana María Sandino. (2021). Analysis by real-time PCR of five transport and conservation medium of nasopharyngeal swab samples to COVID-19 diagnosis in Santiago of Chile.  Journal of Medical Virology.

29.- Barrera-Avalos, C., Briceño, P., Valdés, D., Imarai, M., Leiva-Salcedo, E., Rojo, L.E., Milla, L.A., Huidobro-Toro, J.P., Robles-Planells, C., Escobar, A., Di Virgilio, F., Morón, G., Sauma, D., Acuña-Castillo, C., (2021). P2x7 Receptor Is Essential for Cross-Dressing of Bone Marrow-Derived Dendritic Cells, iScience j.isci.2021.103520.

28.- Barrera-Avalos C, Luraschi R, Vallejos-Vidal E, Mella-Torres A, Hernández F, Figueroa M, Rioseco C, Valdés D, Imarai M, Acuña-Castillo C, Reyes-López FE, Sandino AM. The  (2021). Rapid Antigen Detection Test for SARS-CoV-2 Underestimates the Identification of COVID-19 Positive Cases and Compromises the Diagnosis of the SARS-CoV-2 (K417N/T, E484K, and N501Y) Variants. Front Public Health. eCollection 2021.

27.- Alejandro Escobar, Felipe E. Reyes-López, Monica Acevedo, Luis Alonso-Palomares, Fernando Valiente-Echeverría, Ricardo Soto-Rifo, Hugo Portilo, Jimena Gatica, Iván Esteban Flores, Estefania Nova-Lamperti, Carlos Barrera-Avalos, Maria Rosa Bono, Leonardo Vargas, Maria Valeska Simon, Elias Leiva-Salcedo, Cecilia Vial, Juan Hormazabal, Lina Jimena Cortes, Daniel Valdes, Ana Maria Sandino, Mónica Imarai*, Claudio Acuña-Castillo*. (2022). Evaluation of the Immune Response Induced by CoronaVac 28-Day Schedule Vaccination in a Healthy Population Group. Frontiers in Immunology

26.- Carlos Barrera-Avalos,  Roberto Luraschi,  Claudio Acuña-Castillo,  Mabel Vidal,  Andrea Mella,  Ailen Inostroza-Molina, Eva Vallejos-Vidal,  Daniel Valdés,  Monica Imarai,  Felipe E. Reyes-López* and  Ana Maria Sandino*.  (2022). Description of symptoms caused by the infection of the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.621 (Mu) variant in patients with complete CoronaVac vaccination scheme: First case report from Santiago of Chile. Front. Public Health.

25.- Byron Morales-Lange, Brankica Djordjevic, Ashwath Gaudhaman, Charles McLean Press, Jake Olson, Liv Torunn Mydland, Luis Mercado, Monica Imarai, Mathieu Castex , Margareth Øverland. (2022). Dietary inclusion of Debaryomyces hansenii yeasts modulates physiological responses in plasma and immune organs of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) exposed to acute hypoxia stress. Front. Physiol.

24.- Eva Vallejos-Vidal, Felipe E. Reyes-López and  Monica Imarai. (2022). Sleeping with the enemy? The current knowledge of Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) immune response elicited to counteract infection. Frontiers in Immunology.

23.- Claudio Acuña-Castillo, Ailen Inostroza-Molina, Sergio A. Castro, Sonia Molina-Cabrera, Elías Leiva-Salcedo, Denise Riquelme, Roberto Luraschi, Carlos Barrera-Avalos, Eva Vallejos-Vidal, Andrea Mella-Torres, Daniel Valdés, Claudio Torres, Kevin Maisey, Alejandro Escobar, Sebastián Reyes-Cerpa, Daniela Toro-Ascuy, Mónica Imarai, Felipe E. Reyes-López, and Ana María Sandino. (2022). Comparison of the First and Second Wave of Infections by SARS-CoV-2: A Retrospective and Longitudinal Study From a Primary Health Care Center in Santiago of Chile. Front. Public Health

22.- Luraschi R, Barrera-Avalos C, Vallejos-Vidal E, Alarcón J, Mella-Torres A, Hernández F, Inostroza-Molina A, Valdés D, Imarai M, Acuña-Castillo C, Reyes-López FE, Sandino AM. (2022). The Comparative Analysis of Two RT-qPCR Kits for Detecting SARS-CoV-2 Reveals a Higher Risk of False-Negative Diagnosis in Samples with High Quantification Cycles for Viral and Internal Genes. Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol. eCollection (2022).

21.- Mella-Torres A, Escobar A, Barrera-Avalos C, Vargas-Salas S, Pirazzoli M, Gonzalez U, Valdes D, Rojas P, Luraschi R, Vallejos-Vidal E, Imarai M, Sandino AM, Reyes-López FE, Vera R, Acuña-Castillo C.. (2022). Epidemiological characteristics of Omicron and Delta SARS-CoV-2 variant infection in Santiago, Chile Front Public Health.

20.- Barrera-Avalos C, Mena J, Luraschi R, Rojas P, Mateluna-Flores C, Vallejos-Vidal E, Imarai M, Sandino AM, Valdés D, Vera R, Hernández I, Reyes-López FE, Acuña-Castillo C. (2022). Sensitivity analysis of rapid antigen tests for the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant detection from nasopharyngeal swab samples collected in Santiago of Chile. Front Public Health eCollection 2022

19.- Acuña-Castillo C, Vidal M, Inostroza-Molina A, Vallejos-Vidal E, Luraschi R, Figueroa M, Barrera-Avalos C, Vera R, Vargas S, Valdes D, Maisey K, Imarai M, Leiva-Salcedo E, Escobar A, Reyes-Cerpa S, Gaete A, Palma-Vejares R, Travisany D, Rojo LE, Reyes-López FE, Sandino AM. First. (2022). Identification of Reinfection by a Genetically Different Variant of SARS-CoV-2 in a Homeless Person from the Metropolitan Area of Santiago, Chile J Environ Public Health.

18.- Wong-Benito V, Barraza F, Trujillo-Imarai A, Ruiz-Higgs D, Montero R, Sandino AM, Wang T, Maisey K, Secombes CJ, Imarai M. (2022). Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) recombinant viral protein 1 (VP1) and VP2-Flagellin fusion protein elicit distinct expression profiles of cytokines involved in type 1, type 2, and regulatory T cell response in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish. Fish Shellfish ImmunoL

17.- Valdés N, Cortés M, Barraza F, Reyes-López FE, Imarai M. (2022). CXCL9-11 chemokines and CXCR3 receptor in teleost fish species.  Fish Shellfish Immunol Rep

16.- Acuña-Castillo C, Maisey K, Vidal M, Barrera-Avalos C, Inostroza-Molina A, Luraschi R, Vallejos-Vidal E, Valdés D, Imarai M, Reyes-López FE, Sandino AM (2022). Genomic Evidence Suggests Viral Persistence of SARS-CoV-2 for 386 Days in Health Worker: A Case Report from Santiago of Chile. Infect Dis Rep.

15.- Goldstein M, Vallejos-Vidal E, Wong-Benito V, Barraza-Rojas F, Tort L, Reyes-Lopez FE, Imarai M. (2023). Effects of artificial photoperiods on antigen-dependent immune responses in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish Shellfish Immunol.

14.- Acuña-Castillo C, Barrera-Avalos C, Bachelet VC, Milla LA, Inostroza-Molina A, Vidal M, Luraschi R, Vallejos-Vidal E, Mella-Torres A, Valdés D, Reyes-López FE, Imarai M, Rojas P, Sandino AM  (2023). An ecological study on reinfection rates using a large dataset of RT-qPCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 in Santiago of Chile. Front Public Health.

13.- Byron Morales-Lange, Jon Øvrum Hansen, Brankica Djordjevic, Liv Torunn Mydland, Mathieu Castex, Luis Mercado, Mónica Imarai, Henning Sørum, Margareth Øverland. From the in vitro model to a natural pathogen challenge after seawater transfer. (2023) Immunomodulatory effects of hydrolyzed Debaryomyces hansenii in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L): Aquaculture

12.- Acuña-Castillo C, Vidal M, Vallejos-Vidal E, Luraschi R, Barrera-Avalos C, Inostroza-Molina A, Molina-Cabrera S, Valdes D, Schafer C, Maisey K, Imarai M, Vera R, Vargas S, Rojo LE, Leiva-Salcedo E, Escobar A, Reyes-Cerpa S, Gaete A, Palma-Vejares R, Travisany D, Torres C, Reyes-López FE, Sandino Chile. (2024). A retrospective study suggests 55 days of persistence of SARS-CoV-2 during the first wave of the pandemic in Santiago de Heliyon

11.- Natalia Valdes, Daniela Espinoza, Claudia Pareja, Nicole Olate, Felipe Barraza, Almendra Benavides, Marcos Cortes and Mónica Imarai. salar). (2024) Expression and regulation of the CXCL9-11 chemokines and CXCR3 receptor in Atlantic salmon (Salmo Frontiers in Immunology.

10.- Daniela Espinoza, Daniel Laporte, Fabián Martínez, Ana María Sandino, Natalia Valdés, Alejandra Moenne, Mónica Imarai. (2024). Lambda carrageenan displays antiviral activity against the infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) by inhibiting viral replication and enhancing innate immunity in salmonid cells Int. J. Biol. Macromol Vol. 282.

9.- Sebastian Boltana, Andrea Aguilar, Nataly Sanhueza, Andrea Donoso, Luis Mercado, Monica Imarai, Simon Mackenzie. (2018). Behavioural fever drives epigenetic modulation of the immune response in fish. Frontiers in Immunology

8.- Tiehui Wang, Yehfang Hu, Eakapol Wangkahart, Fuguo Liu, Alex Wang, Eman Zahran, Kevin Maisey, Min Liu, Qiaoqing Xu, Mónica Imarai, Christopher J Secombes. (2018). Interleukin (IL)-2 is a key regulator of Th1 and Th2 cytokine expression in fish: functional characterisation of two divergent IL-2 paralogues in salmonids. Frontiers in Immunology.  doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01683.

7.- Yehfang Hu, Kevin Maisey, Parasuraman Aiya Subramani, Fuguo Liu, Camila Flores-Kossack, Mónica Imarai, Christopher J Secombes*, Tiehui Wang. (2018). Characterisation of rainbow trout peripheral blood leucocytes prepared by hypotonic lysis of erythrocytes, and analysis of their phagocytic activity, proliferation and response to PAMPs and proinflammatory cytokines. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 88:104-113.

6.- Claudia Robles-Planells,  Sofía A Michelson,  Javier Mena,  Daniela Escrig,  Juan Luis Rojas, Giselle Estefani Sánchez Guerrero,  Ronny Hernandez,  Carlos Esteban Barrera,  Leonel E Rojo,  Daniela Sauma, Alexis M Kalergis,  Monica Imarai,  Ricardo Fernandez,  Carolina A Robles,  Elias Leiva-Salcedo,  Alejandro Escobar and Claudio Acuña-Castillo2019  (2019). Lithraea caustic (Litre) extract promotes an antitumor response against B16 melanoma. Front. Pharmacol.

5.- Alvaro Sequeida; Andres Castillo; Natalia Cordero; Valentina Wong; Ruth Montero; Claudio Vergara; Beatriz Valenzuela; Deborah Vargas; Natalia Valdes; Jonathan Morales; Mario Tello; Ana Maria Sandino; Kevin Maisey; Mónica Imarai*. (2020).   The Atlantic salmon interleukin 4/13 receptor family: structure, tissue distribution and modulation of gene expression Fish and Shellfish Immunology.

4.- Eva Vallejos-Vidal, Sebastian Reyes-Cerpa, Jaime Andres Rivas-Pardo, Kevin R. Maisey, José Manuel Yáñez, Lluis Tort, Ana Maria Sandino, Monica Imarai*, Felipe E. Reyes-López*. (2020). Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) mining and their effect on the tridimensional protein structure prediction in a set of immunity-related expressed sequence tags (EST) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Frontiers in Genetics

3.- Claudia Robles-Planells, Giselle Sánchez-Guerrero, Carlos Barrera-Avalos, Silvia Matiacevich, Leonel E. Rojo, Jorge Pavez, Edison Salas-Huenuleo, Marcelo J. Kogan, Alejandro Escobar, Luis A. Milla, Ricardo Fernandez, Mónica Imarai, Eugenio Spencer, Juan Pablo Huidobro-Toro, Claudio Acuña-Castillo*. (2020). Chitosan-Based Nanoparticles for Intracellular Delivery of ISAV Fusion Protein cDNA into Melanoma Cells: A Path to Develop Oncolytic Anticancer Therapies Mediators of Inflammation

2.- Felipe Barraza, Ruth Montero, Valentina Wong-Benito, Héctor Valenzuela, Carlos Godoy-Guzmán, Fanny Guzmán, Bernd Köllner, Tiehui Wang, Christopher J. Secombes, Kevin Maisey, Mónica Imarai*. (2021). Revisiting the teleost thymus: Current knowledge and future perspectives Revisiting the teleost thymus: Current knowledge and future perspectives y10010008. Biology Basel

1.- Barrera-Avalos C, Mena J, López X, Cappelli C, Neira T, Imarai M, Fernández R, Robles-Planells C, Rojo LE, Milla LA, Leiva-Salcedo E, Escobar A, Acuña-Castillo C. (2021). Adenosine triphosphate, polymyxin B and B16 cell-derived immunization induce anticancer response. Immunotherapy.