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Dr. Alberto González
A, B and C) Algae sampling site on the coast of the Valparaíso Region
D, E) Appearance of the algae in its natural habitat
F) Appearance of the algae selected for the experiments
The researcher obtained his Biochemical degree in 2009 and his Doctorate in Biotechnology degree in 2014 at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
The research area focuses on the study and potential application of the mechanisms of tolerance and detoxification of hydrocarbons of marine macroalgae to recover coastal areas negatively impacted by human activity.
He is currently carrying out the Fondecyt initiation project 11180189 entitled "Mechanisms of accumulation, tolerance and metabolization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the marine alga Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta)" (three year project 2019-2021). In 2020, the insertion project in the PAI79170105 academy was completed, on which the researcher established his research area at the university (three-year project 2018-2020).
González, A., Laporte, D., & Moenne, A. (2021) Cadmium accumulation involves synthesis of glutathione, phytochelatins, and activation of CDPKs, CaMKs, CBLPKs and MAPKs signaling pathways in Ulva compressa. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi:
González, A., Vidal, C., Espinoza, D., & Moenne, A. (2021). Anthracene induces oxidative stress and activation of antioxidant and detoxification enzymes in Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta). Scientific Reports, 11(1), article 7748.
González, A., Espinoza, D., Vidal, C., & Moenne, A. (2020). Benzopyrene induces oxidative stress and increases expression and activities of antioxidant enzymes, and CYP450 and GST metabolizing enzymes in Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta). Planta, 252(6), article 107.
Laporte, D., González, A., & Moenne, A. (2020). Copper-Induced Activation of MAPKs, CDPKs and CaMKs Triggers Activation of Hexokinase and Inhibition of Pyruvate Kinase Leading to Increased Synthesis of ASC, GSH and NADPH in Ulva compressa. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, article 990.
Moenne, A., Gómez, M., Laporte, D., Espinoza, D., Sáez, C. A., & González, A. (2020). Mechanisms of Copper Tolerance, Accumulation, and Detoxification in the Marine Macroalga Ulva compressa (Chlorophyta): 20 Years of Research. Plants, 9(6), article 681.
Laporte, D., Rodríguez, F., González, A., Zúñiga, A., Castro-Nallar, E., Sáez, C. A., & Moenne, A. (2020). Copper-induced concomitant increases in photosynthesis, respiration, and C, N and S assimilation revealed by transcriptomic analyses in Ulva compressa (Chlorophyta). BMC plant biology, 20(1), 1-16.
Zúñiga, A., Laporte, D., González, A., Gómez, M., Sáez, C. A., & Moenne, A. (2020). Isolation and characterization of copper-and zinc-binding metallothioneins from the marine alga Ulva compressa (Chlorophyta). International journal of molecular sciences, 21(1), article 153.
Saucedo, S., González, A., Gómez, M., Contreras, R. A., Laporte, D., Sáez, C. A. & Moenne, A. (2019). Oligo-carrageenan kappa increases glucose, trehalose and TOR-P and subsequently stimulates the expression of genes involved in photosynthesis, and basal and secondary metabolisms in Eucalyptus globulus. BMC plant biology, 19(1), article 258.
Navarrete, A., González, A., Gómez, M., Contreras, R. A., Díaz, P., Lobos, G. & Moenne, A. (2019). Copper excess detoxification is mediated by a coordinated and complementary induction of glutathione, phytochelatins and metallothioneins in the green seaweed Ulva compressa. Plant physiology and biochemistry, 135, 423-431.
González, A., Sáez, C. A., Morales, B., & Moenne, A. (2018). Copper-induced activation of TRP channels promotes extracellular calcium entry and activation of CaMK, PKA, PKC, PKG and CBLPK leading to increased expression of antioxidant enzymes in Ectocarpus siliculosus. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 126, 106-116.
González, A., Sáez, C. A., & Moenne, A. (2018). Copper-induced activation of TRPs and VDCCs triggers a calcium signature response regulating gene expression in Ectocarpus siliculosus. PeerJ, 6, e4556.
Rodríguez, F. E., Laporte, D., González, A., Mendez, K. N., Castro-Nallar, E., Meneses, C. & Moenne, A. (2018). Copper-induced increased expression of genes involved in photosynthesis, carotenoid synthesis and C assimilation in the marine alga Ulva compressa. BMC Genomics, 19(1), article 829.
Gómez, M., González, A., Moenne, F., Sáez, C. A., & Moenne, A. (2017). Copper-induced early responses involve the activation of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, release of amino acids, serotonin and adrenalin, and activation of homologs of glutamate, adrenalin and serotonin receptors in the marine alga Ulva compressa. Algal Research, 26, 115-122.
Gómez, M., González, A., Sáez, C. A., & Moenne, A. (2016). Copper-induced membrane depolarizations involve the induction of mosaic TRP channels, which activate VDCC leading to calcium increases in Ulva compressa. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, article 754.
Laporte, D., Valdés, N., González, A., Sáez, C. A., Zúñiga, A., Navarrete, A. & Moenne, A. (2016). Copper-induced overexpression of genes encoding antioxidant system enzymes and metallothioneins involve the activation of CaMs, CDPKs and MEK1/2 in the marine alga Ulva compressa. Aquatic Toxicology, 177, 433-440.
Moenne, A., González, A., & Sáez, C. A. (2016). Mechanisms of metal tolerance in marine macroalgae, with emphasis on copper tolerance in Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta. Aquatic Toxicology, 176, 30-37.
Sáez, C. A., González, A., Contreras, R. A., Moody, A. J., Moenne, A., & Brown, M. T. (2015). A novel field transplantation technique reveals intra-specific metal-induced oxidative responses in strains of Ectocarpus siliculosus with different pollution histories. Environmental Pollution, 199, 130-138. Gómez, M., González, A., Sáez, C. A., Morales, B., & Moenne, A. (2015). Copper-induced activation of TRP channels promotes extracellular calcium entry, activation of CaMs and CDPKs, copper entry and membrane depolarization in Ulva compressa. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6, article 182.