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Dr. Federico Tasca

Doctorate in Analytical Chemistry. Materials Chemistry Department.

Federico Tasca studied  his master degree at the University of Padua, Italy. During his Master studies he became interested in the biofuel biosensors and cells development and decided to continue his doctoral studies at the Lund University, Sweden, under supervision of PhD. Lo Gorton. He was as student for a year at the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of New South Wales, Australia, under supervision of PhD. Justin Gooding. After his doctoral studies, PhD. Tasca continued with a Post-Doc at the Lund University and at the same time he was studying an MBA program with a focus on sustainability. After completing his studies in Lund, PhD. Tasca continued his training at Stanford University, California, under supervision of PhD. Edward Solomon. After finishing his Post-Doc appointment at the Stanford University, PhD. Tasca began collaborating with PhD. Zagal at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile, where he was named assistant professor.

Research Area: 

His research area is focused on evolution hydrogen / oxygen reaction, oxygen reduction reaction and synthesis and modeling of  carbon dioxide reduction.


PhD. Tasca is the PI of a Fondecyt project and a COPEC-UC project for catalysts development for oxygen reduction reaction. He is co-Researcher of another Fondecyt Project that aims development of organic metal frames.