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Dr. Javier Echeverría
Chemist (2006), Bachelor of Chemistry (2006) and Doctor of Chemistry (2012) from the Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH). Postdoctoral at Universidad de Chile (2012-2015).
Development of new bioactive natural compounds focused on various biotechnological applications (control of pathogens, pests and disease vectors, antioxidant for food use) and pharmaceuticals (antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, gastroprotective, neuroprotective and new molecules to combat diseases such as metabolic syndrome and diabetes)
National Projects
2021-23: DICYT-USACH Regular Project: Revealing the health benefits and nutraceutical potential of pre Hispanic low-alcohol fermented beverages from Chile. Researcher in charge
2020-21: DICYT-USACH Postdoctoral Project 022041_EM: Regioselective synthesis and structure-activity relationship study of O-acylated derivatives of quercetin: Effect of lipophilicity, position and number of hydroxyl and acyl groups on antibacterial activity. Researcher in charge
2019-21: FIC-Los Lagos Project: Rescue of ancestral medicinal traditions: elaboration of innovative herbal concentrates and their transfer to peasant family agriculture. Researcher.
2018-20: Proyecto DICYT-USACH 021841UM: Visual, olfactory and tactile cues involved in host plant choice for oviposition by the butterfly Battus polydamas archidamas (Papilionidae). Co investigador.
2017-19: Program for the Attraction and Insertion of Advanced Human Capital in the CONICYT-PAI Academy 79160109: Strengthening of teaching and innovation in research in organic chemistry through the development of the line of research in Phytochemistry applied to Ethnopharmacology. Researcher in charge.
2016-19:FONDECYT Research Initiation Project 11160877: Diet of pre-Hispanic populations of northern Chile: an approach using archaeological chemical biomarkers. Researcher in charge.
2016-19: FONDECYT Regular Project 1160849: Multidisciplinary study of the Atacameño religious system: hallucinogenic paraphernalia, chronology, and social differentiation(500-1500 AD). Co Researcher.
2012-15: FONDECYT Postdoctoral Project 3130327: Exploration of the psychoactive potential of native flora from northern Chile in relation to its use in pre-Hispanic times. Researcher in charge.
2012-15: FONDECYT Regular Project 1121097: The Fumitory Complexes of the Early Pottery Period in semi-arid and central-southern Chile: a multidisciplinary study. Research Associate.
2012-15: Proyecto FONDECYT Regular 1120210: Nest-mate and kin recognition, colony defense and inbreeding avoidance in the one-piece termite, Neotermes chilensis. Colaborador Científico.
2011-13: PIA-CONICYT Project ACT96 Ring: Interactions and human mobility in pre-Hispanic populations of Northern Chile: an integrative approach for the Social Sciences using biomedical, genetic, chemical, and mineralogical markers. Associate Postdoctoral Researcher.
2011: EXPLORA EAI01/053 Project: Exploration and experimentation of essential oils from native plants for medicinal and insecticide purposes, Researcher in charge..
2009-10: DICYT-USACH Project 020941UM: Insecticidal activity in Musca domestica of essential oils from some Chilean plants, Co-Researcher.
2006-08: FONDECYT Regular Project 1060033: Structural determination of kairomones of recognition and host acceptance of Aristolochia chilensis perceived by caterpillars of Battus polydamas archidamas. Research Associate.
2003-06: FONDECYT Regular Project 1030466: Effect of selective chemical modification of diterpenes on antimicrobial activity; determination of the mechanism of action, Thesis student.
International Projects
2020-22: International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Cooperation Project IAEA-RLA1019: Strengthening capacities related to the use of nuclear and radiation technology to characterize, conserve, and preserve cultural heritage (ARCAL CLXVII). National Coordinator.
2016-17: International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Cooperation Project IAEA-ARCAL RLA/0/058: Using Nuclear Techniques to Support Conservation and Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects. Researcher.
2013-15: CONICYT-USA Project 2013-0012: Water management and agrohydraulic systems in Desert environments: The Upper Loa from A.D. 1000- 1500, Research Associate.
2013-14: National Science Foundation Project OISE 1265816, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, and National Geographic Society Research and Exploration (Grant #9296-13), Agriculture and Empire in the High-Altitude Atacama, Research Associate.
84.- Guzmán, L., Parra-Cid, C., Guerrero-Muñoz, E., Peña-Varas, C., Polo, E., Duarte, Y., Castro, R.I., Nerio, L.S., Araya-Maturana, R., Assefa, T., Echeverría, J., Ramírez, D.*, Forero-Doria, O.* 2021. Antimicrobial Properties of Novel Ionic Liquids Derived from Imidazolium Cation with Phenolic Functional Groups. Bioorganic Chemistry (ISSN: 0045-2068) 115, 105289.
83.- Fakhri, S., Iranpanah, A., Gravandi, M.M., Moradi, S.Z., Ranjbari, M., Majnooni, M.B., Echeverría, J., Qi, Y., Wang, M., Liao, P., Farzaei, M.H.*, Xiao, J.*. 2021. Natural products attenuate PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway: A promising strategy in regulating neurodegeneration. Phytomedicine (ISSN: 0944-7113), 2021,153664.
82.- Batiha, G.E-S*, Alqarni, M., Awad D.A.B., Algammal, A.M., Nyamota, R., Wahed, M.I.I., Shah, M.A., Amin, M.N., Adetuyi, B.O., Hetta, H.F., Cruz-Martins, N.*, Koirala, N., Ghosh, A., Echeverría, J., Pagnossa, J.P., Sabatier, J-M. 2021. Dairy-Derived and Egg White Proteins in Enhancing Immune System Against COVID-19. Frontiers in Nutrition (ISSN: 2296-861X) 8:629440.
81.- Assar, S., Khazaei, H., Naseri, M., ElSenduny, F., Momtaz, S., Farzaei, M.H.*, Echeverría, J. 2021. Natural Formulations: Novel Viewpoint for Scleroderma Adjunct Treatment. 2021. Journal of Immunology Research (ISSN: 2314-7156) 2021, 9920416.
80.- Yeung, A.W.K.,* Tzvetkov, N.T., El-Demerdash, A., Horbanczuk, O.K., Das, N., Pirgozliev, V., Lucarini, M., Durazzo, A., Souto, E.B., Santini, A., Devkota, H.P., Uddin, M.S, Echeverría, J., Wang, D., Gan, R-Y., Brnčić, M., Kalfin, R.E., Tancheva, L.P., Tewari, D., Berindan-Neagoe, I., Sampino, S., Jóźwik, A., Horbańczuk, J.O., Atanasov, A.G.,* 2021. Apple polyphenols in human and animal health. Animal Science Papers and Reports (ISSN: 0860-4037) 39 (2)105-118.
79.-Majnooni, M.B., Fakhri, S., Bahrami, G., Naseri, M., Farzaei, M.H.*, Echeverría, J. 2021. Alkaloids as Potential Phytochemicals against SARS-CoV-2: Approaches to the Associated Pivotal Mechanisms. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (ISSN: 1741-4288) 2021, 6632623.
78.-Fakhri, S., Nouri, Z., Moradi, SZ., Akkol, E.K., Piri, S., Sobarzo-Sanchez, E.*, Farzaei, M.H.*, Echeverría, J.* 2021. Targeting Multiple Signal Transduction Pathways of SARS-CoV-2: Approaches to COVID-19 Therapeutic Candidates. Molecules (ISSN: 1420-3049) 26(10), 2917.
77.- Echeverría, V.*, Echeverria, F. Barreto, GE., Echeverria, J. Mendoza, C. 2021. Estrogenic plants: to prevent neurodegeneration and memory loss and other symptoms in women after menopause. Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812) 12: 993.
76. - Horta-Tricallotis, H.*, Echeverría, J., Peña-Villalobos, I., Quirgas, A., Vidal, A., Faundes, W., Lema, V., Pacheco, A. 2021. Práctica religiosa, especialización artesanal y estatus: hacia la comprensión del rol social del consumo de alucinógenos en el salar de Atacama, norte de Chile (500-1500 d. C.). Estudios Atacameños (ISSN: 0718-1043) 67, e3906.
75.- Flores, M.*, Reyes, L., Ortiz-Viedma, J., Romero, N., Vilcanqui, Y., Echeverría, J., Forero-Doria, O.* 2021. Thermal Behavior Improvement of Fortified Commercial Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Oil with Maqui (Aristotelia chilensis) Leaf Extracts. Antioxidants (ISSN: 2076-3921) 10(5), 66.
74.- Fakhri, S., Yarmohammadi, A., Yarmohammadi, M., Farzaei, M. H.*, Echeverría, J.* 2021. Marine Natural Products: Promising Candidates in the Modulation of Gut-Brain Axis towards Neuroprotection. Marine Drugs (ISSN 1660-3397) 19(3), 165.
73.- Ghanbari, A., Akhshi, N., Nedaei, S.E., Mollica, A., Aneva, I.Y. Qi, Y., Liao, P., Darakhshan, S., Farzaei, M.H.*, Xiao, J.*, Echeverría, J.* 2021. Tribulus terrestris and female reproductive system health: A comprehensive review. Phytomedicine (ISSN: 0944-7113) 84, 153462.
72.- Kalhori, M.R., Saadatpour, F., Arefian, E., Soleimani, M., Farzaei, M.H.*, Aneva. I.Y., Echeverría, J.* 2021. The potential therapeutic effect of RNA interference and natural products on COVID-19: A review of the coronaviruses infection. Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812) 12: 616993.
71.- Fakhri, S., Majnooni, M.B., Farzaei, M.H.*, Echeverría, J.* 2021. Targeting neurological manifestation of coronaviruses by candidate phytochemicals: A mechanistic approach. Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812) 11: 621099.
70.- Hebel-Gerber, S., García, A., Alarcón, J., Simirgiotis, M.J., Sáez, K., Bustamante-Salazar, L., Echeverría, J.,* Pastene-Navarrete, E.* 2021. Chilean Rhubarb, Gunnera tinctoria (Molina.) Mirb. (Gunneraceae): UHPLC-ESI-ORBITRAP-MS profiling of aqueous extract and Its Anti-Helicobacter pylori Activity. Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812) 11: 583961.
69.- Yeung, A.W.K., Wang, D., El-Demerdash, A., Horbanczuk, O.K., Das, N., Pirgozliev, V., Lucarini, M., Durazzo, A., Souto, E.B, Santini, A., Devkota, H.P., Uddin, M.S. Echeverría, J., Jóźwik, A., Horbańczuk, J.O., Atanasov, A. G. 2021. Animal versus human research reporting guidelines impacts: literature analysis reveals citation count bias. Animal Science Papers and Reports (ISSN: 0860-4037) 38(4):1-12.
68.- Horta-Tricallotis, H., Paulinyi, M., Santander, B., Echeverría, J., 2020. Nueva faceta para “El Sacrificador”. Estudio interdisciplinario de tubos de huesos con iconografia Tiawanaku excavados en San Pedro de Atacama, Chile (400-1000d.C.). Boletín del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino (ISSN 0718-6894). 25(2):97-126.
67.- Quiroz, L., Alfaro, S., Planella, M.T., Belmar, C., Echeverría, J., Niemeyer, H.M., Meneses, F., Albornoz, X., Carrasco, C., Thielemann, B. 2020. De pipas, complejos y prácticas fumatorias en el período Alfarero Temprano del norte semiárido de Chile. Estudios Atacameños (ISSN: 0718-1043) 66, 237-270.
66.- Majnooni, M.B., Fakhri, S., Shokoohinia, Y., Kiyani, N., Stage, K., Mohammadi, P., Gravand, M.M., Farzaei, M.H.*, Echeverría, J.* 2020. Phytochemicals: Potential therapeutic interventions against coronaviruses-associated lung injury. Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812) 11: 588467.
65.- Muñoz-Ramírez, A.C., Mascayano, C., Barriga, A., Echeverría, J., Urzúa, A. 2020. Inhibition of soybean 15-lipoxygenase (15-sLOX) and human 5-lipoxygenase (5-hLOX) by extracts of leaves, stem bark, phenols and catechol's isolated from Lithraea caustica (Anacardiaceae). Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812). 11: 594257.
64.- Larrazábal-Fuentes, M.J., Fernández-Galleguillos, C., Palma-Ramírez, J., Romero-Parra, J., Sepúlveda, K., Galetovic, A.L., González, J., Paredes Poblete, A., Bórquez, J., Simirgiotis, M.J., Echeverría, J.* 2020. Chemical profiling, antioxidant, anticholinesterase, and antiprotozoal potentials of Artemisia copa Phil. (Asteraceae). Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812) 11: 594174.
63.- Yeung, A.W.K.*, Tzvetkov, N.T., Durazzo, A., Lucarini, M., Souto, E.B., Santini, A., Gan, R.Y., Jozwik, A., Grzybek, W., Mocan, A., Echeverría, J., Wang, D., Atanasov, A.G.* 2020. Natural Products in Diabetes Research: Quantitative Literature Analysis. Natural Product Research (ISSN:1478-6427) (en prensa)
62.- Hydarpoor, F., Sajadimajd, S., Dahaghi, E.M., Haratipour, P., Joshi, T., Farzaei, M.H.*, Khan, H., Echeverría, J.*. 2020. Involvement of TGFβ and Autophagy Pathways in Pathogenesis of Diabetes: A Systematic Review on Biological and Pharmacological Insights. Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812) 11, 1467.
61.- Barrientos, R.E., Shakeel, A., Cortes, C., Parra-Romero, J., Simirgiotis, M.J.*, Echeverría, J.* 2020. Chemical Fingerprinting and Biological Evaluation of the Endemic Chilean Fruit Greigia sphacelata (Ruiz and Pav.) Regel (Bromeliaceae) by UHPLC-PDA-Orbitrap-Mass Spectrometry, Molecules (ISSN: 1420-3049) 19(4) 397 – 404.
60.- Mojica, M., Alzogaray, R.A., Mengoni, S.L., Reynoso, M.M.N., Pinto, C.F., Niemeyer, H.M., Echeverría, J.* 2020. Repellent activity of the essential oil from Laurelia sempervirens (Ruiz & Pav.) Tul. (Monimiaceae) on Triatoma infestans (Klug) Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas (ISSN: 07177917), 19 (4): 397 – 404.
59.- Cushnie, T.*, Cushnie, B., Echeverría, J., Fowsantear, W., Thammawat, S., Dodgson, J.L.A., Law, S., Clow, S.M. 2020. Bioprospecting for Antibacterial Drugs: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Natural Product Source Material, Bioassay Selection and Avoidable Pitfalls. Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN: 0724-8741), 37, 125.
58.- Heinrich*, M., Scotti, F., Andrade-Cetto, A., Berger-Gonzalez, M., Echeverría, J., Frisio, F., Garcia-Cardona, F., Hesketh, A., Hitziger, M., Maake, C., Politi, M., Spadafora, R., and Spadafora, C. 2020. Access and Benefit Sharing under the Nagoya Protocol – Quo vadis? Six Latin American case studies assessing opportunities and risk. Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812), 11, 765.
57.- Barrientos, R., Fernández-Galleguillos, C., Pastene, E., Simirgiotis, M.*, Romero-Parra, J., Ahmed, S., Echeverría, J.* 2020. Metabolomic analysis, fast isolation of phenolic compounds, and evaluation of biological activities of the bark from Weinmannia trichosperma Cav. (Cunoniaceae) Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812), 11, 780.
56.- Rodríguez, S., Pertino, M.W., Arcos, C., Reichert, L., Echeverría, J., Simirgiotis, M.J., Bórquez, J., Cornejo, A., Areche, C., Sepúlveda, B.* 2020. Isolation, Gastroprotective Effects and Untargeted Metabolomics Analysis of Lycium minutifolium. Foods (ISSN 2304-8158), 9, 565.
55.- Areche, C., Hernández, M., Cano, T., Ticona, J., Cortes, C., Simirgiotis, M., Cáceres, F., Bórquez, J., Echeverría, J.*, Sepúlveda, B.*. 2020. Corryocactus brevistylus (K. Schum. ex Vaupel) Britton & Rose (Cactaceae): Antioxidant, Gastroprotective Effects, and Metabolomic Profiling by Ultra High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography and Electrospray High Resolution Orbitrap Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812), 11, 417.
54.- Jasemi, S. V., Khazaei, H., Aneva, I. Y., Farzaei, M. H.*, Echeverría, J.* 2020. Medicinal Plants and Phytochemicals for the Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension. Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812), 11, 145.
53.- Belwal, T., Bisht, A., Devkota, H.P., Ullah, H., Khan, H., Bhatt, I.D.*, Echeverría, J.*. 2020. Phytopharmacology and clinical updates of Berberis species against diabetes and other metabolic syndromes Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812). 11, 41.
52.- Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.*, Theoduloz, C., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Echeverría. J. 2020. Bioactive Constituents from South American Prosopis and their Use and Toxicity. Current Pharmaceutical Design (ISSN: 1873-4286), 26(5): 542-555.
51.- Singh, L., Joshi, T., Tewari, D.*, Echeverría, J.*, Mocan, A., Sah, A., Parvanov., E., Tzvetkov, N.T., Ma, Z.F., Lee, Y.Y., Poznański, P., Huminiecki, L., Sacharczuk, M., Jóźwik, A., Horbańczuk, J., Feder-Kubis, J. Atanasov, A.G.* 2020. Ethnopharmacological applications targeting alcohol abuse: overview and outlook. Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812), 10. 1593.
50.- Šudomová, M., Shariati, M. A., Echeverría, J., Berindan-Neagoe, I., Nabavi, S. M., & Hassan, S. T. 2019. A Microbiological, Toxicological, and Biochemical Study of the Effects of Fucoxanthin, a Marine Carotenoid, on Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the Enzymes Implicated in Its Cell Wall: A Link Between Mycobacterial Infection and Autoimmune Diseases. Marine Drugs (ISSN: 1660-3397), 17(11), 641.
49.- Pour, P. M., Fakhri, S., Asgary, S., Farzaei, M. H.*, & Echeverria, J*. 2019. The signaling pathways, and therapeutic targets of antiviral agents: Focusing on the antiviral approaches and clinical perspectives of anthocyanins in the management of viral diseases. Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812), 10: 1207.
48.- Horta-Tricallotis, H.*, Echeverría, J.*, Lema, V., Quirgas, A., & Vidal, A. 2019. Enema syringes in South Andean hallucinogenic paraphernalia: evidence of their use in funerary contexts of the Atacama and neighboring zones (ca. AD 500–1500). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences (ISSN: 1866-9557), 1-23.
47.- Hassan, S. T.*, Šudomová, M., Berchová-Bímová, K., Šmejkal, K., & Echeverría, J. 2019. Psoromic Acid, a Lichen-Derived Molecule, Inhibits the Replication of HSV-1 and HSV-2, and Inactivates HSV-1 DNA Polymerase: Shedding Light on Antiherpetic Properties. Molecules (ISSN: 14203049), 24(16), 2912.
46.- Yeung, A.W.K., Aggarwal, B.B., Balacheva, A., Barreca, D., Battino, M., Belwal, T., Bishayee, A., Daglia, M., Devkota, H.P., Echeverría, J., El-Demerdash, A., Orhan, I.E., Georgieva, M., Godfrey, K., Gupta, V.K., Horbańczuk, J.O., Huminiecki, L., Jóźwik, A., Mocan, A., Mozos, I., Nabavi, S.M., Pajpanova, T., Pittala, V., Rengasamy, K.R.R., Sampino, S., Sanches Silva, A., Sheridan, H., Sureda, A., Tewari, D., Wang, D., Weissig, V., Yang, Y., Zengin, G., Shanker, K., Moosavi, M.A., Shah, M.A., Kozuharova, E., Al-Rimawi, F., Durazzo, A., Lucarini, M., Souto, E.B., Santini, A., Malainer, C., Djilianov, D., Tancheva, L.P., Li, H-B., Gan, R-Y., Feder-Kubis, J., Tzvetkov, N.T., Atanasov, A.G. 2019. Resveratrol, a popular dietary supplement for human and animal health: Quantitative research literature analysis. Animal Science Papers and Reports (ISSN: 0860-4037), 36(4): 345-358.
45.- Tewari, D., Samoilă, O., Gocan, D., Mocan, A.*, Devkota, H.P., Atanasov, A.G., Zengin, G., Echeverría, J., Szabo, B., Crișan, G. 2019. Medicinal plants and natural products used in cataract management, Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812), 10: 466.
44.- Giordano, A., Fuentes-Barros, G., Castro-Saavedra, S., González-Cooper, A., Suárez-Rozas, C., Salas-Norambuena, J., Acevedo-Fuentes, W., Leyton-Soto, F., Tirapegui, C., Echeverría, J., Claros-Alegría, S., Cassels, B.K.* 2019. Analysis of secondary metabolites present in the aerial biomass of Cryptocarya alba Mol. Natural Product Communications (ISSN: 1934578X), 14(6): 1-11.
43.- Echeverría, J*., Albuquerque, R.D.D.G. 2019. Nanoemulsions of Essential Oils: New Tool for Control of Vector Borne Diseases and In Vitro Effects on Some Parasitic Agents, Medicines (ISSN 2305-6320), 6(2), 42.
42.- Hajialyani, M., Farzaei M.H., Echeverría, J., Nabavi, SM., Uriarte, E., Sobarzo-Sanchéz, E. 2019. Hesperidin as a Neuroprotective Agent: A Review of Animal and Clinical Evidence. Molecules (ISSN: 14203049), 24(3):648.
41.- Yeung, A.W.K.*, Aggarwal, B.B., Barreca, D., Battino, M., Belwal, T., Berindan-Neagoe, I., Bishayee, A., Daglia, M., Devkota, H.P., Echeverría, J., Amr El-Demerdash, A., Orhan. I.E., Godfrey, K., Gupta, V.K., Horbańczuk, J.O., Huber, L.A., Huminiecki, L., Jóźwik, A., Marchewka, J., Miller, M.J.S., Mocan, A., Mozos, I., Nabavi, S.F., Seyed Mohammad Nabavi, S.M., Pieczynska, M.D., Pittala, V., Rengasamy, K.R.R., Sanches-Silva, A., Sheridan, H., Stankiewicz, A.M., Strzałkowska, N., Sureda, A., Tewari, D., Weissig, V., Zengin, G., Atanasov, A.G.* 2018. Dietary natural products and their potential to influence health and disease, Animal Science Papers and Reports (ISSN: 0860-4037), 36: 345-358.
40.- Niemeyer, H.M.*, Camilo, C., Echeverría, J., de Souza, P. 2018. Chemical evidence of prehistoric passive tobacco consumption by a human perinate (Early Formative Period, South-Central Andes). Journal of Archaeological Science (ISSN: 03054403), 100: 130-138.
39.- García, M.*, Castro, V., Belmonte, E., Muñoz, T., Echeverría, J. 2018 Ethnobotany and territory in Mulluri´s pasture (Northern Chile). The teachings of aymara pastoralism. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas (ISSN: 07177917), 17(5): 522-540.
38.- García, M.*, Gili, F., Echeverría, J., Belmonte, E., Figueroa, V. 2018. K´oa: Entidad andina de una planta y otros cuerpos. Una posibilidad para las ofrendas funerarias en la arqueología de Arica. Chungará Revista de Antropología Chilena (ISSN: 0717-7356) (en prensa).
37.- Echeverría, J.*, Niemeyer, H.M., Muñoz, L., Uribe, M., 2018. Arsenic in the hair of pre-Hispanic mummies from Northern Chile. Journal of Archaeological Sciences: Reports (ISSN: 2352-409X) 21: 175-182.
36.- Espinoza, J.*, Urzúa, A.*, Parra, L., Quiroz, A., Gonzalez-Teuber, M., Echeverría, J. 2018. Antifeedant effects of essential oil and sesquiterpenes from heartwood of Pilgerodendron uviferum (D. Don) Florin against red clover borer (Hylastinus obscurus Marsham) Molecules (ISSN: 14203049) 23(6): 1282.
35.- Villagra, C., Macias-Marabolí, V., Schapheer, C., Bórquez, J., Simirgiotis, M., Gonzalez-Teuber, M., Echeverría, J., Urzúa, A.* 2018. Haplopappus platylepis (Asteraceae) resin: an adhesive trap for pest control of crawling arthropods, with antimicrobial potential. bioRxiv 328237.
34.- Neag, M., Mocan, A.*, Echeverría, J., Pop, R., Bocșan, C., Crișan, G., Buzoianu, A.D. 2018. Berberine: Botanical occurrence, traditional uses, extraction methods and relevance in cardiovascular, metabolic, hepatic and renal disorders, Frontiers in Pharmacology (ISSN: 1663-9812) 9: 557.
33.- Planella, M.T.*, Belmar, C.A., Quiroz, L., Niemeyer, H.M., Falabella, F., Alfaro, S., Echeverría, J., Albornoz, X., Carrasco, C., Collao-Alvarado, K. 2018. Saberes compartidos y particularidades regionales en las prácticas fumatorias de sociedades del periodo Alfarero Temprano del norte semiárido, centro y sur de Chile, América del Sur. Revista Chilena de Antropología (ISSN: 0719-1472) 37: 20-57.
32.- Echeverría, J.*, González-Teuber, M., Urzúa, A. 2018. Antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea of new labdane-type diterpenoids isolated from the resinous exudate of Haplopappus velutinus Remy (Asteraceae), Natural Product Research (ISSN:1478-6427) 25:1-5.
31.- Moosavi, M.A.*, Haghi, A., Rahmati, M., Taniguchi, H., Mocan, A., Echeverría, J., Gupta, V.K., Nikolay T. Tzvetkov, N.T., Atanasov, A.G.* 2018. Phytochemicals as potent modulators of autophagy for cancer therapy. Cancer Letters (ISSN: 0304-3835) 424(2018): 46-69.
30.- Alfaro S., Munita, D., Albornoz, X., Carrasco, C., Echeverría J., Mera, R., Adán, L., Quiroz, L., Niemeyer, H.M., Planella, M.T. 2017. Cachimbas y Kitras: un acercamiento a las prácticas fumatorias de grupos alfareros del centro-sur de chile. Magallania (ISSN: 0718-2244) 45(2):219-243.
29.- Carvajal, F., Huanca, A., González-Teuber, M., Urzúa, A., Echeverría, J. 2017. Uses of hazardous medicinal plants: composition of the essential oil of Clinopodium gilliesii (Benth.) Kuntze (Lamiaceae), collected in Chile. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas (ISSN: 07177917), 16 (5): 486 – 492.
28.- Echeverría, J.*, Urzúa, A., Sanhueza L. Wilkens, M. 2017. Enhanced antibacterial activity of ent-labdane derivatives of salvic acid (7α-hydroxy- 8(17)-ent-labden-15-oic acid): Effect of lipophilicity and the hydrogen bonding role in bacterial membrane interaction. Molecules (ISSN: 14203049), 22(7): 1039.
27.- Echeverría, J.*, Opazo, J., Mendoza, L., Urzúa, A., & Wilkens, M. 2017. Structure-Activity and Lipophilicity Relationships of Selected Antibacterial Natural Flavones and Flavanones of Chilean Flora. Molecules (ISSN: 14203049), 22(4): 608.
26.- Gili, F., Echeverría, J., Stovel, E., Diebel, M., Niemeyer, H.M. 2017. Las pipas en el Salar de Atacama: re-evaluando su origen y uso. Estudios Atacameños (ISSN: 0718-1043). (aceptada)
25.- Gili, F., Albornoz, X., Echeverría, J., García, M., Carrasco, C., Meneses, F., Niemeyer, H.M. 2017. Vilca, encuentro de miradas: herramientas para su pesquisa en contextos arqueológicos del área centro sur andina. Chungará Revista de Antropología Chilena (ISSN 0717-7356). (aceptada)
24.- Echeverría, J., Niemeyer, H.M. 2017. Essential oil of Kurzamra pulchella (Clos) Kuntze (Lamiaceae, Nepetoideae, Mentheae, Menthinae): Relationship with chemotype groups in the subtribe Menthinae. Natural Product Research. (ISSN:1478-6427). 31(1) 108-112.
23.- Echeverría, J., Espinoza, S., Niemeyer, H.M. 2017. Unusual alkaloids of the highland species Astragalus cryptanthus Wedd. (Fabaceae). Natural Product Research. (ISSN:1478-6427). 31(1) 89-92.
22.- Pinto, C., Salinas, S., Echeverría, J., Flores-Prado, L., Niemeyer, H.M. 2016. Sequestration of tropane alkaloids from Brugmansia suaveolens (Solanaceae) by the treehopper Alchisme grossa (Hemiptera: Membracidae) in the Bolivian Yungas forests. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology (ISSN: 03051978) 66:161-165.
21.- Carrasco, C., Echeverría, J., Ballester, B., Niemeyer, H.M. 2015. De pipas y sustancias: Costumbres fumatorias durante el periodo formativo en el litoral del desierto de Atacama (norte de Chile), Latin American Antiquity (ISSN: 1045-6635) 26(2): 143-161.
20.- Belmar, C., Quiroz, L., Niemeyer, H.M., Planella, M.T., Albornoz, X., Meneses, F., Alfaro, S., Carrasco, C., Collao-Alvarado, K. & Echeverría, J. 2014. Condiciones previas para el uso de marcadores arqueobotánicos y químicos en estudios arqueológicos sobre Complejos Fumatorios: una propuesta de protocolo para manipulación del objeto y toma de muestras. Intersecciones en Antropología (ISSN: 1666-2105) 15(2): 497-501.
19.- Echeverría, J., Niemeyer H.M. 2014. Floral scents of four Heliotropium (Boraginaceae) species endemic to Chile: a comparative analysis. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas (ISSN: 07177917), 13 (2): 171 – 177.
18.- Echeverría, J., Planella, M.T., & Niemeyer H.M. 2014. Nicotine in residues of smoking pipes and other artifacts of the smoking complex from an Early Ceramic Period in archaeological site in central Chile, Journal of Archaeological Science (ISSN: 03054403), 44 (1): 55 – 60.
17.- Echeverría, J. & Niemeyer H.M. 2013. Nicotine in the hair of mummies from San Pedro de Atacama (Northern Chile). Journal of Archaeological Science (ISSN: 03054403), 40 (10): 3561 – 3568.
16.- Urzúa, A., Modak, B., Santander, R., Heit, C., Echeverría, J. 2013. Insecticidal properties of Heliotropium stenophyllum essential oil on the House fly, Musca domestica L. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas (ISSN: 07177917), 12 (2): 196 – 200.
15.- Urzúa, A., Echeverría, J., Espinoza, J. & Wilkens M. 2012. Lipophilicity and antibacterial activity of flavonols: Antibacterial activity of resinous exudates of Haplopappus litoralis, H. chrysantemifolius and H. scrobiculatus. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas (ISSN: 07177917), 11 (4): 369 – 376.
14.- Echeverría, J. & Niemeyer, H.M. 2012. Phenylethylamines from Browningia candelaris (Cactaceae), Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas (ISSN: 07177917), 11 (4): 341-344.
13.- Echeverría, J. & Niemeyer, H.M. 2012. Alkaloids from the native flora of Chile: a review, Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas (ISSN: 07177917), 11 (4): 291-305.
12.- Muñoz, M.A., Urzúa A., Echeverría, J., Bucio, M.A., Hernández-Barragán, A. & Joseph-Nathan, P. 2012. Determination of absolute configuration of salvic acid, an ent-labdane from Eupatorium salvia, by vibrational circular dichroism, Phytochemistry (ISSN: 00319422), 80 (1):109-114.
11.- Espinoza, J., Echeverría, J., Urzúa, A. & Niemeyer, H.M. 2012. Withanolid amine and nicotine from Dunalia spinosa (Solanaceae), Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas (ISSN: 07177917), 11 (3): 278-284.
10.- Espinoza, J., Urzúa, A. & Echeverría, J. 2012. Identification of the components of a non polar extract of the aerial parts of Dunalia spinosa by GC-MS. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas (ISSN: 07177917), 11 (1): 86-90.
9.- Urzúa, A., Sotes, G. & Echeverría, J. 2011. Presence of 3-(pentadec-10-enyl)-catechol allergen in the epicuticular components of Lithrea caustica (Anacardiaceae). Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas (ISSN: 07177917), 10 (6): 590-594.
8.- Urzúa, A., Echeverría, J. & Santander, R. 2011. Comparative chemical composition of the essential oils from Pseudognaphalium robustum, P. heterotrichium and P. cheiranthifolium. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants (ISSN: 0972060X), 14 (5): 600-604.
7.- Urzúa, A., di Cosmo, D., Echeverría, J., Santander, R., Palacios, S.M. & Rossi, Y. 2011. Insecticidal effect of Schinus latifolius essential oil on the Housefly, Musca domestica L., Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas (ISSN: 07177917), 10 (5): 470-475.
6.- Muñoz, M.A., Urzúa, A., Echeverría, J., Modak, B. & Joseph-Nathan, P. 2011. Solid state structure and absolute configuration of filifolinol acetate, Natural Product Communications (ISSN: 1934578X), 6 (6): 759-762.
5.- Urzúa, A., Santander, R., Echeverría, J., Cabezas, N., Palacios, S.M. & Rossi, Y. 2010. Insecticide properties of the essential oils from Haplopappus foliosus and Bahia ambrosoides against the house fly, Musca domestica L., Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society (ISSN: 07179324), 55 (3): 392-395.
4.- Urzúa, A., Santander, R., Echeverría, J., Villalobos, C., Palacios, S.M. & Rossi, Y. 2010. Insecticidal properties of Peumus boldus Mol. Essential Oil on the House Fly, Musca domestica L., Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas (ISSN: 07177917), 9 (6): 465-469.
3.- Urzúa, A., Echeverría, J., Rezende, M.C. & Wilkens, M. 2008. Antibacterial properties of 3 H-spiro [1-benzofuran-2, 1’-cyclohexane] derivatives from Heliotropium filifolium, Molecules (ISSN: 14203049), 13 (10): 2385-2393.
2.- Urzúa, A., Santander, R. & Echeverría, J. 2007. Analysis of surface and volatile compounds of flower heads of Flourensia thurifera (Mol) D.C., Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society (ISSN: 07179324), 52 (3): 1244-1245.
1.- Urzúa, A., Santander, R., Echeverría, J. & Rezende, M.C. 2007. Secondary metabolites in the flower heads of Haplopappus berterii (Asteraceae) and its relation with insect-attracting mechanisms, Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society (ISSN: 07179324), 52 (2): 1142-1144.