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Dr. Margarita Montoya Kunsting
Biology Department. Cellular Biochemistry Laboratory margarita.m
Biochemistry. Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Doctor in Biomedical Sciences. Universidad de Chile. Guest researcher at the Laboratory of Molecular Technology. National Cancer Institute of Frederick, NIH. MD, USA.
Research Area:
Study of cell signaling in cells of the immune system. We have mainly focused on cytokine mediated signaling in NK cells and its impact on the activation and functionality of these cells. But, in addition, our interest is to understand how these signaling pathways induce changes in cell metabolism and thus generate various effector phenotypes and sustain the activity of these cells. As part of our interest, we are also interested in studying how the deregulation of these signaling pathways may be involved in immunosenescence and in pathological contexts such as cancer. In the case of cancer, we are also interested in delving into the mechanisms that lead to changes in the metabolism of these cells and how they can impact the generation of various phenotypes and tumor progression
Researcher in charge:
- 2020 – 2022 DICYT USACH 022043MK “Estudio de una nueva vía de señalización celular activada por IL-2 y su efecto en la activación de células NK de ratón”.
- 2017 – 2019 DICYT USACH 021743MK
- 2012 – 2015 Proyecto FIA PYT-2012-0023. Desarrollo de una formulación a base de extractos de plantas destinado al control del estrés y a mejorar la sobrevida de salmones durante el proceso de esmoltificación.
- 2011 – 2013 Fondecyt 11110401. Participation of mitochondrial biogenesis in human NK cell function. Implication in immunosenescence.
- 2016 – 2018 Fondecyt 1161006. Studies on the genetic basis of Infectious Salmon Anemia virus virulence: understanding virulence switching in piscine orthomyxovirus. Co-Investigador.
- 2012 – 2015 Proyecto FIA PYT-2012-0022. Desarrollo de un sistema basado en inmunoterapia celular para mejorar la respuesta inmune de las vacunas veterinarias: una oportunidad para controlar el riesgo del virus ISA como reservorio en sistemas dulceacuícolas y marinos
- 2011 – 2014 Fondecyt 1110734. Use of cell bodies expressing viral fusogenic proteins to induce cross presentation and immunostimulation in vivo. A mechanism to improve antitumoral therapy.