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Gerardo Retamal

My experience through the Doctorate in Biotechnology was one of the greatest opportunities I have had. During the program I learned that many things depend on oneself. In my case, I had to catch up on a lot of content, since I decided to do a thesis that was outside my area of expertise, it required effort and above all the realization that I had to do it on my own. I would not do it any different today. I believe that the development opportunity offered by the Doctorate has not only marked me professionally, but also personally. I take with me the scientific rigor that I learned while I was in the Program, and I think it is something that stands out in my work today. The greatest learning that I take away from the Doctorate is the importance of taking opportunities and being proactive in your own career. When I was in my second year, I had the opportunity to start a Dual Degree Program with the University of Freiberg, Germany. It was an incredible opportunity to grow, and it has opened doors to new opportunities for me. Currently, I work as a medical-scientific advisor in the pharmaceutical industry, I think it is something in which I take advantage not only of my scientific skills acquired in the Program, but also fits my personal skills. Finally, I believe that the time of doctoral studies is also an opportunity for that, to learn but also to discover what is the vocation that each one has within the area of science.

Araceli Vidal

During my time in the doctorate in Biotechnology, I had the opportunity to develop different skillsthat allowed me to overcome all the obstacles that arose along the way. One of them was to conquer my fears and learn to believe in myself. A great achievement that stands out during my time in the doctorate was that I had the opportunity to develop research that involved organic chemistry, and that required a lot of effort and study on my part. In addition to the unconditional support from the laboratory team in which I developed the doctoral thesis. Therefore, despite being a doctorate in Biotechnology, it is a multidisciplinary program that allows you to develop different areas of knowledge. Personally, my time at university changed me, it made me realize the importance of basic science, and how it forms the foundations of applied science. I currently work in an agricultural biotechnology company solving industry problems, and thanks to the knowledge I obtained in the program, I feel confident and secure that I will be able to be a great contributor to society. Finally, one of the best memories I take with me from the program is having been taught by leading women in the scientific field. This has allowed me to feel empowered for being a woman in science.
Rodolfo Parada

My experience acquired in the Doctoral Program in Biotechnology has allowed me to develop professional and personal aspects. Despite this, I believe that the doctorate is not for everyone, like any work or academic activity, it requires commitment, which in this case would be at least four years at an age when the majority want to be independent, start a family or develop other personal projects. Not everyone understands this decision where the will, conviction and perseverance are often put to the test. After the doctorate, I completed a diploma in university teaching. I currently work as an hourly professor at the University of Santiago de Chile and sometimes I participate in some sporadic research work and when the opportunity arises I try to volunteer in activities linking with the environment, since I believe that sciences are the main tools of change in society, changes that go beyond the technical level, learning to think how to evaluate and solve a problem, question or need in a methodical way, in addition to understanding that there are biases no matter how much we try to be objective and tocritically analyze a process are skills that are valuable in any individual regardless of the path they wish to follow.