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The Doctorate program in Biotechnology of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology of the University of Santiago de Chile was created in 2003. Since that year, more than 60 Doctors have graduated, in different specializations, who today have outstanding performance in recognized national and foreign institutions.
With the purpose of contributing to the development in the area, the academic program aims to provide high-level scientific/technological research teaching for the generation, application, and dissemination of new knowledge in biotechnology.
The program specializations are Aquaculture Biotechnology, Plant Biotechnology, Microorganism Biotechnology and Biomedicine. On the other hand, students can also opt for a double degree agreement at the Technical University of Freiberg (Germany).
The nominal duration of the Doctorate in Biotechnology program is eight academic semesters with exclusive dedication during the day.

General objective of the Program:

Train scientists capable of identifying biotechnological problems in their environment, proposing biotechnological solutions, formulating, and evaluating projects in different areas of Biotechnology.

Specific objectives:

  • Contribute to the formation of advanced human capital that generates knowledge in various areas of biotechnology, through critical analysis and resolution of biotechnological problems with emphasis on the areas of aquaculture, microorganism, plant, and biomedicine biotechnology.
  • Train graduates capable of promoting the development of original projects and lines of research in biotechnology, which contribute to the scientific and technological development of the country.
  • Consolidate a development pole that promotes multidisciplinary research in biotechnology.